Neo Denmark's Hans Holger
Mari's yume blog

Welcome to my fun little blog. I am just testing the waters with Neocities and wanted to make dedicated webpages for some of my all-tme favorite characters. It's not much, but it's honest work.
If you want some background on me, well you're gonna have to get to know me by being my friend cuz there's no way in HELL I'm putting any personal info on here... Ok I'm partially kidding here. I'm just a person in her mid 20s who is just trying to get by and have fun.
My goals are to create my own little space where I can be myself and make friends along the way. Social media hasn't been as fun for me as it used to, but I also love to talk to people about my favorite characters and whatnot since I self ship for funsies.
Mauris porttitor arcu in metus varius, id aliquet massa porta. Proin auctor aliquet risus, eu imperdiet ante dapibus et. Donec tempor gravida finibus. Curabitur faucibus, justo feugiat molestie pharetra, massa sem vulputate arcu, id laoreet nisl dui in dui. Donec ultricies laoreet nisl, non consequat lacus luctus ut. Integer hendrerit nisl id diam commodo placerat. Sed maximus fringilla rutrum.
Aenean sagittis, turpis eu commodo maximus, orci ligula vehicula odio, tincidunt maximus diam massa non leo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut vitae leo blandit, luctus ligula sit amet, malesuada turpis. Nulla rutrum tempus massa, cursus placerat ante pharetra ut. Fusce semper nisl vel nisl gravida vulputate. Aliquam eros eros, scelerisque quis lobortis sed, venenatis ut sem. Nullam eu eleifend lorem. Fusce tincidunt ipsum justo, non ornare neque finibus ac.
Aenean sagittis, turpis eu commodo maximus, orci ligula vehicula odio, tincidunt maximus diam massa non leo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut vitae leo blandit, luctus ligula sit amet, malesuada turpis. Nulla rutrum tempus massa, cursus placerat ante pharetra ut. Fusce semper nisl vel nisl gravida vulputate..